Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018) BluRay

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018)
In an alternative Victorian Age Gotham City, Batman begins his war on crime while he investigates a new series of murders by Jack the Ripper.

Director: Sam Liu
Creator: James Krieg (screenplay), Bob Kane (Batman created by), Bill Finger (Batman created by), Mike Mignola (comic book: "Batman: Gotham by Gaslight"), Denny O'Neil (character: Leslie Thompkins), Dick Giordano (character: Leslie Thompkins), Eduardo Barreto (comic book: "Batman: Master of the Future"), Brian Augustyn (comic books: "Batman: Gotham by Gaslight" and "Batman: Master of the Future")
Actors: Bruce Greenwood, Jennifer Carpenter, Chris Cox, John DiMaggio
File: .mkv
Source: 1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-MT
Video: AVC | 1280x720 907 Kbps
Audio: 2CH AAC English
Runtime: 1h 17mn
Subtitles:Indonesian, English


Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018) 
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